Ten to Tenfold

TEN (10): For some, it symbolizes completeness, finality, and perfection. For others, it signifies the end of a life cycle and the beginning of a new one. Pythagoras, the eminent Greek Mathematician, considered the number 10 to be the "perfect number," calling it a symbol of human wisdom since matter is in harmony with the universe. For us, ten marks how young we are, weaving our way through peaks and valleys, trying to make a name for ourselves.

We are far from perfect but we always strive for the CARE values: Commitment, Appreciation, Respect for self and others, and Excellence. These are instilled in us so we can relentlessly deliver what our clients, partners, colleagues, family, and friends expect. All of you are our inspiration, the rhyme and reason of our existence and being our best from Day 1. We still have a long road ahead but we will continue to live up to our vision of an effective, dynamic, and sustainable society enabled by effective ICT solutions through collaboration, commitment, and passion.

Ten marks the spot. This year marks our first decade in the ICT industry — the setbacks and successes, the breakdowns and breakthroughs, the baby steps and giant leaps of faith, have immeasurable worth because of you, the people with whom we dearly share this path. Thank you so much for your continued trust and support! Here’s to 10 years; From Ten and Tenfold!